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Buy Generic Eldepryl Online

  • Category:
  • Active ingredient: Selegiline
  • Medical form: Pill
  • Payment Options: VISA, Mastercard, Amex, Dinners, JCB
  • Delivery time: Airmail (10 - 21 days), EMS Trackable (5-9 days)
Eldepryl is prescribed to treat symptoms of Parkinson's disease, it works by preventing the breakdown of dopamine in the brain.

Generic Eldepryl 5mg

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  5mg x 60 pills  $46.80 $0.78   Add to Cart
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Generic Eldepryl 10mg

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  10mg x 60 pills  $61.98 $1.04   Add to Cart
  10mg x 90 pills  $88.98 $0.99   Add to Cart
  10mg x 120 pills  $112.80 $0.94   Add to Cart
  10mg x 240 pills  $222.98 $0.93
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Medical Conditions

Generic Eldepryl is used to treat or prevent the following medical conditions or diceases:


Generic Eldepryl Information

Common use

Eldepryl is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, which used to treat the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. This is a case of the brain that affects motion. People with Parkinson's disease do not have enough nerve cells in the part of the brain that controls movement. These nerve cells produce a substance called dopamine. It is a lack of dopamine which causes problems with movement. Eldepryl Tablets keep dopamine around longer, helping with difficulties in movement.Eldepryl has no anti-Parkinson effects of its own and must always be given in combination with levodopa/carbidopa.

Dosage and direction

Take it orally every day after breakfast and lunch. Do not drink or eat anything for at least 5 minutes after taking a Eldepryl orally disintegrating tablet. The recommended dose for adults is 10 mg per day divided into 2 smaller doses of 5 mg. Note: this instruction presented here just for review. It's very necessary to consult with your doctor before using. It help you to get best results.


You must not eat foods that are high in tyramine, including: pickled herring, air dried meats, aged or fermented meats,poultry, sausage or salami, and any spoiled or improperly stored beef, fish, or liver; aged cheeses, including blue, brick, boursault, brie, cheddar, camembert, emmenthaler, parmesan, romano, gruyere, roquefort, stilton and swiss; beer from a tap, beer that has not been pasteurized; over-the-counter supplements or cough and cold medicines that contain tyramine; sauerkraut, soy beans, soy sauce, tofu, miso soup, bean curd, fava beans; or yeast extracts. Eating tyramine while you are taking this drug can increase your blood pressure to dangerous levels which could cause life-threatening side effects. Eldepryl should be administered cautiously to patients with peptic or duodenal ulcer, labile hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, severe angina pectoris, severe liver or kidney dysfunction or psychosis. In higher doses (>30 mg daily) the attenuation of selegiline begins to decrease resulting in increased inhibition of MAO-A. Lightheadedness, dizziness, or fainting may intervene, especially when you get up from a lying or sitting position. So you may get up slowly, but if the problem continues or gets worse, consult to your doctor. Eldepryl should not be used during pregnancy, becoming pregnant or lactating without doctor's advice. Do not use Eldepryl before breast-feeding without doctor's permission.


Eldepryl is not allowed to people who are hypersensitive to selegiline or other components of the formulation. Do not take Demedrol or such types of narcotic while you are taking Eldepryl. Also do not use Eldepryl if you have used any of the following drugs within the past 14 days: meperidine, propoxyphene, or tramadol ; methadone; cough or cold medicine that contains dextromethorphan; or other MAO inhibitors such as isocarboxazid, tranylcypromine, phenelzine, rasagiline, or transdermal selegiline.

Possible side effect

They may include all types of an allergic reaction. Also the most possible side effects include: confusion, sudden and severe headache, blurred vision, nausea, problems with speech or balance, vomiting, seizure, chest pain and sudden numbness or weakness; feeling light-headed, fainting; hallucinations; feeling restless, agitated, or irritable; twitching muscle movements; painful or difficult urination. Less serious include dizziness, weakness; sleep problems (insomnia); runny or stuffy nose; back pain; constipation; If you experience one of them stop using Eldepryl and tell your doctor as soon as possible. Also consult with your doctor about any side effect that seems unusual.

Drug interaction

Eldepryl interact with the following list of drugs: diet pills or cold medicines that contain ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylephrine; carbamazepine; nafcillin; rifampin; an antidepressant such as amitriptyline, amoxapine, bupropion, citalopram, clomipramine, desipramine, doxepin, duloxetine, escitalopram, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, imipramine, nortriptyline, paroxetine, protriptyline, sertraline, venlafaxine, or trimipramine; phenobarbital. Also note that interaction between two medications does not always mean that you must stop taking one of them. As usual it affects the the effect of drugs, so consult with your doctor about how it interactions are being managed or should be managed.

Missed dose

If you forgot to take your dose in time, please do it as soon as you remember. But do not take if it is too late or almost time for your next dose. Do not increase your recommended dose. Take your usually dose next day in the same regularly time.


Symptoms of Eldepryl overdose may include severe headache, vision problems, sweating, hallucinations, feeling light-headed, cool or clammy skin, fast or uneven heart rate, fainting, or seizure. If you experience one of them or any unusual symptoms call your doctor immediately.


Store at room temperature between 20-25 C (68-77 F).


We provide only general information about medications which does not cover all directions, possible drug integrations, or precautions. Information at the site cannot be used for self-treatment and self-diagnosis. Any specific instructions for a particular patient should be agreed with your health care adviser or doctor in charge of the case. We disclaim reliability of this information and mistakes it could contain. We are not responsible for any direct, indirect, special or other indirect damage as a result of any use of the information on this site and also for consequences of self-treatment.

Alternative names or trademarks of Generic Eldepryl

Eldepryl may be marketed under different names in various countries. All of them contain Selegiline as main ingredient. Some of them are the following:

Selegiline, Amboneural, Centrapryl, Deprilan, Eldepryl, Movergan, Regepar, Selgene, Tremorex, Brintenal, Jumex, Zelapar, Selgene, Cognitiv, Xilopar, Niar, Parkexin, Apo-seleg, Sepatrem, Selemerck, Selepark, Selgimed, Cosmopril, Krautin, Resostyl, Antiparkin, Jutagilin, Sefmex, Egibren, Seledat, Fp Tab, Selgres, Parkilyne, Plurimen, Moverdin, Atapryl, Emsam

Information about ordering Generic Eldepryl in online pharmacy asia

Please note that this medicine is a generic version of Eldepryl.
One can buy Generic Eldepryl online by accepting the following conditions:
  • Buyer is above or equal 18 years old;
  • Buyer does't have any contraindications to selegiline and fully familiar with medication Eldepryl;
  • No prior doctors consultation is offered online. We assume that buyer consulted with their doctor before using this medication as we do not ask for a prescription (rx);
  • No paper instructions about side effect warnings or usage directions are sent with Generic Eldepryl medication. They are available online on our website for information purposes only;
  • Ordered medication will be shipped in anonymous discreet package without disclosing its content;
Generic Eldepryl medication will be sent in a valid condition and safely packed.
Please note we may not guarantee worry free delivery to some countries where strict customs rules may apply. If you have questions please call us or use Live chat. After you place your order we may call you back for verification purposes. We may also call you back if we suspect that there may be a problems with delivery to your country. Please also refer to our FAQ page for more details. Below is a sample list of safe counties in Asia where delivery is usually worry free: Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Pacific islands and many others outside of asia.

Generic Eldepryl quality guarantee

We guarantee quality of Generic Eldepryl - selegiline medication that is sold through our site. It is manufactured in Indian government and WHO cerified facilities by gloablly known manufacturers and also used for export to other countires.

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